- No shoes on the mat except for wrestling shoes that have NEVER been worn outside.
- Arrive on time or better yet, be early! If you are late to class, ask the instructor for permission to join the class before stepping on the mat.
- Make sure your equipment and clothes are washed and clean.
- Hygiene is important. Make sure fingers and toenails are cut and cleaned. Feet must be clean – no dirty feet on the mat. No dirty equipment or bodies on the mat!
- A mouthpiece and proper equipment are required to spar.
- No biting, spitting, arguing, or fighting. If there is ever an issue, please approach the instructor after class.
- Do not attend class if you are sick, injured, or HAVE A SKIN INFECTION.
- Joking is encouraged! Troublemakers, racism, negativity, and bullies will be removed from our facility!
- Only water is allowed on the mat.
- When the instructor is talking, pay attention, and be quiet.
- When done using equipment, clean it and return it to its designated spot.
- Never talk badly about a student or instructor – we are a team of no negativity. Encourage your training partners to keep training hard and hold each other accountable.
- Teachers teach, students learn, parents watch. If you are not a coach, do not start teaching other students moves. Parents, if you choose to stay for kids class and watch, refrain from coaching, yelling, or commenting. Feel free to talk with other parents sitting on the sidelines.
- Do not leave the mat without the permission of the Coach.
- No bare feet in the bathroom.
- E.L.E – Everybody Love Everybody! Respect the instructors, your training partners, and the gym.
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